Children Should See An Orthodontist By Age Seven
According to the The American Association of Orthodontists, children should see an orthodontist by age seven. At this age, the child has a mixture of both primary teeth and permanent teeth and our orthodontists can evaluate the growth of the jaw and bite problems. Experienced orthodontists treat a variety of childhood orthodontic issues. If the orthodontist notices specific issues, she may recommend early orthodontic treatment. Also known as phase one orthodontic treatment, it refers to procedures and treatment options that will help correct jaw misalignment and help to make room for permanent teeth to come in properly.
Early consultation with our orthodontists will allow them to evaluate your child and determine if orthodontic treatment will be required and the best time to treat the patient. A dentist is trained to identify orthodontic problems early, so they may refer you to an orthodontist earlier than age 7. Early detection and treatment can help make room for permanent teeth, guide the teeth into a batter position and reduce the chance of more serious and complicated issues down the line.

Does My Child Need Early Orthodontic Treatment?
There are certain orthodontic problems that only an orthodontist can identify. However, parents can look out for the following signs that may indicate other conditions:
How Will Early Treatment Benefit My Child?
If your child is around the age of 7 and shows signs of needing orthodontic care, or if you have been directed by your family dentist to visit the orthodontist, please contact Virginia Orthodontic Partners in Northern Virginia and schedule an appointment. Our team will provide your child with a complimentary consultation and discuss with you the best steps to take toward caring for your child’s smile.
Not every child needs early treatment. After your child’s evaluation, the orthodontist will determine the next course of action. There are usually three possible courses of action. They may decide that your child’s mouth is growing in such a way that they can come back again in a few years for another evaluation. Secondly, they may want to keep an eye on certain issues and put your child on a regular evaluation schedule to be checked every few months. Finally, if early treatment is indicated, our orthodontists will recommend techniques and appliances to guide the growth of the jaw and the incoming permanent teeth.
The following orthodontic problems can be inherited, caused by injury to the mouth, early or late loss of baby teeth, or thumb-sucking habits.

Does Early Treatment Benefit All Children?
Early treatment does not necessarily benefit all children. Certain orthodontic problems can be more easily and efficiently corrected in the teen years when all the permanent teeth have erupted. There are certain skeletal conditions that must not be addressed until the jaw has developed. The doctors develop a treatment plan based on each child’s needs.
Benefits Of Orthodontic Treatment
If your child has significant problems, early treatment can prevent more severe problems from developing and simplify future treatment. When required, early treatment has the following benefits: